She doesn't hesitate, falling upon her victim and pulling them into her arms. She sinks her claws into the tender flesh of the prey's shoulders, sinking her fangs into its tender throat.

She doesn't hear the gagged woman moan as she bites down, the sound lost in her own cry of exultation.


Nothing could possibly be this amazing.

The blood pours into her mouth, painting the back of her throat with hot arterial spray. The feeling of joy that fills her is unbelievable, zinging through her veins like electricity through an overloaded circut. She swallows mouthful after greedy mouthful, thinking of nothing but easing the burning hunger in her belly and the horrible emptiness in her breast.

Her claws score jagged gashes into the prey's flesh as she drinks, moaning with every drop that passes her lips.

The sound begins to fade, the flow of blood gradually slowing.. And as the beat slows, the hunger within her begins to fade as well.

A sense of deep sadness fill sher as the blood ceases to rush into her waiting mouth. She doesn't want this moment to fade -- she doesn't want the blood to stop. Not ever. She wants to spend an eternity drowning in this feeling of bliss.

But she can't. No matter how hard she pulls at the wound with her mouth, no matter how desperately she wills it to continue, no blood flows forth.

She releases her prey, letting the rapidly cooling body slide off her lap.

She shakes her head and as the hunger recedes, the scarlet veil falls from her eyes, allowing her to regain some sense of self...