About Santa Marta

Est. 1788 Population: About 350,000 Location: Somewhere North of San Francisco

If Los Angeles is the City of Angels, then Santa Marta is the city of the Fallen -- damaged, dangerous and aching to return to its former glory.

Founded in the late 18th century, Santa Marta didn't really reach its stride until the Gold Rush of the 1840s and by 1860, it was a rapidly growing, bustling metropolis rivaling nearby San Francisco. Santa Marta attracted all types -- artists, craftsmen, lawmen, lawbreakers and treasures seekers... But more than anything, Santa Marta attracted those that live on the Other Side of the Veil -- by 1890, the city boasted what might have been the largest population of Supernatural Creatures in the United States...

But as metoeric as Santa Marta's rise, it was nothing compared to its fall. When the Big Quake of 1906 hit, the city was utterly devestated and never quite recovered. For whatever reason, whatever aid might've come to Santa Marta was redircted elsewhere and the very soul of the city seemed to change -- growing darker and ever more violent.

Still, people find themselves drawn to Santa Marta, most frequently, those who have been touched by the Strange and Misunderstood -- and they frequently find themselves unable to leave the city once they've set down roots in its tainted ground. Whispers abount in the city of something that sleeps far beneath the surface... And more recently, those whispers suggest that it may be waking up.

The tech boom breathed fresh life into the shambling corpse of Santa Marta -- which lead to a sudden population boom and a desperate scramble to revitlize the city's infrastructure. The arts district of Vista Rosa boasts some of the most beautiful buildings in the city and the up-and-coming tourist district of Vista Del Mar has a boardwalk rivaled only by Santa Cruz...

But no amount of fresh paint can hide Santa Marta's rotting soul -- nor the fact that it has the highest murder and missing persons rate per capita of any city in the United States. No tourist board spin can hide the ever-growing presence of dangerous supernatural factions or the increasing presence of organized crime on the city streets... The slow, creeping dread that suffuses the city is an inescapable part of living in Santa Marta, even though everyone tries to ignore it and no one seems willing to address it... Something is deeply wrong there.

The Factions of Santa Marta...

  • The Midnight Court
    The Court of Night, the Nightingale Court

    The largest gathering of Covens in Santa Marta -- headed by the Queen Miranda Cortez. Strictly Organized and made up almost exclusively of vampires in the Nightingale Bloodline...

  • The Revenant Familes of Santa Marta
    A collection of families/covens of vampires, almost entirely comprised of Revenant bloodline vampires. There might actually be more members in this faction than the Nightingale Court but the Revenant Families don't keep detailed records or have a hierarchical structure like the court.

  • The Families
    Very Much NOT the Revenant Families -- the families are a combination of mundane and supernatural organized crime families, of various "mafia" origins. Headed by Nikolai Lazarescu. Loosely allied with the Midnight Court.

  • The Cult of the Myriad Eyes and Watchful Moon
    A religious movement turned collection of street gangs responsible for much of the more...disturbing supernatural happenings in Santa Marta.